Cubans suffer the weight of the myth created by the mega-operation of
intelligence of exportation called Cuban Revolution, that has turned
murderers like Che Guevara into global youth icons. - Rosa María Payá Acevedo
Iberoamerican Vanguard Summit Octuber 14, 2013.
October 9th
marks the day in 1967 when an icon of hatred and political intolerance met his end violently in the jungles of Bolivia. It is easy to understand why the dictatorship in Cuba celebrates his memory and death but it is not so easy to understand why
UNESCO does. The Argentine Maoist's
legacy is a lamentable one that spread death and repression across the Americas and Africa:
Che Guevara was an admirer of Mao Zedong and his formulation of guerrilla warfare is adapted from the Chinese leader. Che published influential manuals Guerrilla Warfare (1961) and Guerrilla Warfare: A Method (1963), which
were based on his own experiences and partly chairman Mao Zedong's
writings. Guevara stated that revolution in Latin America must come
through insurgent forces developed in rural areas with peasant support.
His international legacy of glorifying violence through an erroneous
analysis of guerrilla warfare, based on his experiences led to bloodbaths in Argentina, Chile,
El Salvador, Nicaragua, Chiapas, Congo, Angola and decades of military
dictatorship and political violence. Nevertheless it could have been
worse. Another
disciple of Mao Zedong who adapted his theories was Pol Pot, who unlike Che achieved power in 1975 after a guerrilla struggle in Cambodia. He carried out a radical revolution modeled after Mao and ended by killing 25% of the entire population of his country: Cambodia.
In 2010 the Free Cuba Foundation had as a guest speaker
Félix Ismael Rodríguez, the CIA agent
responsible for capturing Ernesto "Che" Guevara in Bolivia in 1967. This year we will distribute posters and fliers exposing the facts about Ernesto "Che" Guevara as part of
No More Che Day organized by the Young America's Foundation that exposes who he was:
"Che Guevara was
an international terrorist and mass murderer. During his vicious
campaigns to impose Communism on countries throughout Latin America, Che
Guevara trained and motivated the Castro regime's firing squads that
executed thousands of men, women, and children. "
We will make the case for
boycotting those who use Che as an "icon" of rebellion at the same time we'll advocate
rejecting the Che icon in favor of embracing
more authentic figures of resistance such as Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and
Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas.
Gandhi, King and Payá: Three Resistance Icons Worth Honoring |
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