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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Call to Action on July 13, 2014: 20 Minutes of Silence for 20 Years of Injustice in "13 de Marzo" Tugboat Sinking

“Don't raise your voice, improve your argument." - Desmond Tutu 

The argument has been made and the reports written and the guilt of the Castro regime established by international human rights bodies such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, but twenty years later there is still no justice.

The argument has been made and cannot be improved. Screaming and shouting in a world full of noise will not achieve justice and undermines the seriousness of this crime. We are supporting all nonviolent actions that respect the dignity of those killed, and their families.

Please share and encourage friends wherever they are on July 13, 2014 at 3:00pm to join in a 20 minute moment of silence. Gather in a group or individually and take a photo at the end of the vigil holding up the above image calling for justice. 

The quote in the picture above is taken from Inter-American Commission on Human Rights report

REPORT Nº 47/96  CASE 11.436 VICTIMS OF THE TUGBOAT "13 DE MARZO" vs. CUBA October 16, 1996 and is available online:

We will be updating this site in the next few days with a list of planned activities to remember this terrible crime, pray for the victims and continue to demand justice.

The persons killed on July 13, 1994 in the "13 de Marzo" incident are

Leonardo Notario Góngora, 
Marta Tacoronte Vega, 
Caridad Leyva Tacoronte, 
Yausel Eugenio Pérez Tacoronte, 
Mayulis Méndez Tacoronte, 
Odalys Muñoz García, 
Pilar Almanza Romero, 
Yaser Perodín Almanza, 
Manuel Sánchez Callol, 
Juliana Enriquez Carrasana, 
Helen Martínez Enríquez, 
Reynaldo Marrero, 
Joel García Suárez, 
Juan Mario Gutiérrez García, 
Ernesto Alfonso Joureiro, 
Amado Gonzáles Raices, 
Lázaro Borges Priel, 
Liset Alvarez Guerra, 
Yisel Borges Alvarez , 
Guillermo Cruz Martínez, 
Fidelio Ramel Prieto-Hernández, 
Rosa María Alcalde Preig, 
Yaltamira Anaya Carrasco, 
José Carlos Nicole Anaya, 
María Carrasco Anaya, 
Julia Caridad Ruiz Blanco, 
Angel René Abreu Ruiz, 
Jorge Arquímides Lebrijio Flores, 
Eduardo Suárez Esquivel, 
Elicer Suárez Plascencia, 
Omar Rodríguez Suárez, 
Miralis Fernández Rodríguez, 
Cindy Rodríguez Fernández, 
José Gregorio Balmaceda Castillo, 
Rigoberto Feut Gonzáles, 
Midalis Sanabria Cabrera

1 comment:

  1. Correcto:
    Martha Mirella Carrasco Sanabria
    Yalta Mila Anaya Carrasco
    José Carlos Niclas Anaya

    Yaltamira Anaya Carrasco,
    José Carlos Nicole Anaya,
    María Carrasco Anaya

    from Blas Anaya, Uncle
