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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Bertha Antunez habla sobre la realidad Cubana en la Conferencia de Liderazgo Estudiantil de Invierno
Bertha Antunez habla sobre la realidad Cubana en la Winter Student Leadership Conference [Conferencia de Liderazgo Estudiantil de Invierno] en el Salon Grito de Yara - Carlos Manuel de Cespedes del Directorio Democratico Cubano organizado por Jovenes Cubanos en Acción, Free Cuba Foundation, y UM CAUSA el 28 de diciembre 2009.
Marc Masferrer Speaks at Winter Student Leadership Conference co-sponsored by the Free Cuba Foundation
The Free Cuba Foundation co-sponsored the Winter Student Leadership Conference with UM CAUSA and Young Cubans in Action held at the Grito de Yara - Carlos Manuel de Cespedes Conference Hall of the Cuban Democratic Directorate on December 28, 2009 The Conference was broadcast live on UStream. The following is archived footage:
Marc Masferrer Speaks on Social Networks and the Virtual Cuba
For more information on Marc Masferrer visit his blog Uncommon Sense and the web address
For more information on Marc Masferrer visit his blog Uncommon Sense and the web address
Frank Calzon speaks at Free Cuba Foundation co-sponsored Winter Student Leadership Conference
The Free Cuba Foundation co-sponsored the Winter Student Leadership Conference with UM CAUSA and Young Cubans in Action held at the Grito de Yara - Carlos Manuel de Cespedes Conference Hall of the Cuban Democratic Directorate on December 28, 2009
The Conference was broadcast on UStream.
Frank Calzon on Cuban Intelligence and America ’s Vulnerabilities
A recent article that quotes Frank Calzon on the Cuban intelligence threat:
The Myers are not the first U.S. government officials to be accused of spying for Cuba. Ana Belen Montes, a high intelligence officer at the Defense intelligence Agency is currently serving a 25- year sentence for spying for Havana. She was very influential in the Pentagon assessment of Havana’s level of anti-American hostility. Havana’s diplomats in Washington have unimpeded access to Congressional hearings, Congressional offices, think tanks and universities, while American diplomats on the island are harassed and denied similar access.
While the Department of State has sought to improve relations with Havana for more than two years, Havana continues to implement policies that would be considered totally unacceptable if carried out by other governments, including the arbitrary delays and even the breaking into the United States diplomatic pouch.
The Center for a Free Cuba, a non-partisan pro-democracy organization, called today on Congressmen Silvestre Reyes and Peter Hoekstra, chairman and ranking member respectively of the House Committee on Intelligence “to hold hearings as soon as possible about both Cuban intelligence operations in the United States, the hostile efforts against the United States by Cuban intelligence operatives elsewhere, and the work of “agents of influence” working for Havana in Washington.”
Frank Calzon, executive director, of the Center for a Free Cuba, said that “the Obama Administration is absolutely right to monitor carefully the work of Cuba, North Korea, Iran and other regimes which have associated themselves with international terrorism.” The FBI should be congratulated for their undercover operation which brought to light the pernicious work of Mr. Myers who, according to the FBI, had access to more than 200 secret and top-secret intelligence reports about Cuba.
Perhaps this announcement will encourage American government officials, including Congressional staff, to report to appropriate government agencies any approach by diplomats and others working for those regimes.”
The Conference was broadcast on UStream.
Frank Calzon on
A recent article that quotes Frank Calzon on the Cuban intelligence threat:
WASHINGTON: The arrest this afternoon of a former State Department official charged with spying for the Castro’s dictatorship “for nearly thirty years,” is a wakeup call for the U.S. government, according to Frank Calzon, executive director of the Center for a Free Cuba. “The arrests coincide with increasing pressure generated by opponents of current U.S. policy in the Obama Administration to give the benefit of the doubt to the Cuba. The arrests of Kendall Myers, and his wife Gwendolyn Myers, who, according to press reports worked as a Congressional aide, should be a matter of great concern to the Congress because of the ongoing efforts by Cuban diplomats and others to influence the perception of both Congressmen and Senators about U.S. Cuba policy.The Myers are not the first U.S. government officials to be accused of spying for Cuba. Ana Belen Montes, a high intelligence officer at the Defense intelligence Agency is currently serving a 25- year sentence for spying for Havana. She was very influential in the Pentagon assessment of Havana’s level of anti-American hostility. Havana’s diplomats in Washington have unimpeded access to Congressional hearings, Congressional offices, think tanks and universities, while American diplomats on the island are harassed and denied similar access.
While the Department of State has sought to improve relations with Havana for more than two years, Havana continues to implement policies that would be considered totally unacceptable if carried out by other governments, including the arbitrary delays and even the breaking into the United States diplomatic pouch.
The Center for a Free Cuba, a non-partisan pro-democracy organization, called today on Congressmen Silvestre Reyes and Peter Hoekstra, chairman and ranking member respectively of the House Committee on Intelligence “to hold hearings as soon as possible about both Cuban intelligence operations in the United States, the hostile efforts against the United States by Cuban intelligence operatives elsewhere, and the work of “agents of influence” working for Havana in Washington.”
Frank Calzon, executive director, of the Center for a Free Cuba, said that “the Obama Administration is absolutely right to monitor carefully the work of Cuba, North Korea, Iran and other regimes which have associated themselves with international terrorism.” The FBI should be congratulated for their undercover operation which brought to light the pernicious work of Mr. Myers who, according to the FBI, had access to more than 200 secret and top-secret intelligence reports about Cuba.
Perhaps this announcement will encourage American government officials, including Congressional staff, to report to appropriate government agencies any approach by diplomats and others working for those regimes.”
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Free Cuba Foundation statement concerning International Human Rights Day
Sixty one years ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed by members of the UN General Assembly. Its signers proclaimed that the document "be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories."
Sadly, in many countries, such as Cuba, even displaying the document can land a person in jail for "subversive activities". (Cuba is a signer of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).
This January will mark the 51st anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, which brought about the longest sitting dictator in the world, Fidel Castro. Under his rule, there are no free elections, freedom of speech is stifled, and Cubans spend long terms in prison for any type of peaceful dissent against the government.
Even now with his brother Raul in power, not much has changed concerning human rights in Cuba, as Human Rights Watch released a report this November, titled "New Castro, Same Cuba."
The Free Cuba Foundation denounces any human rights violations against Cuba's nonviolent dissident movement. It will continue to spread the message of the brave Cuban men and women who risk intimidation, harassment and prison in order to fight for their democracy and fundamental human rights, rights that are universal and should be respected by any sitting government.
FULL TEXT of the Declaration
Human Rights Watch report:
Monday, November 9, 2009
November 9, 1989 The Berlin Wall Falls: A great day for freedom
Twenty years ago a scar that divided a people for decades finally began to heal as the Berlin Wall came tumbling down and the German people were finally reunited. Today they celebrated and the world with them. Here is why and how.
Somber documentary explains why the world is celebrating the end of the Berlin Wall
U2 and Jay-Z perform Sunday Bloody Sunday at the Brandenburg Gate to celebrate the end of the Berlin Wall.
U2 plays One and Magnificent at the Brandenburg Gate to celebrate the end of the Berlin Wall.
Somber documentary explains why the world is celebrating the end of the Berlin Wall
U2 and Jay-Z perform Sunday Bloody Sunday at the Brandenburg Gate to celebrate the end of the Berlin Wall.
U2 plays One and Magnificent at the Brandenburg Gate to celebrate the end of the Berlin Wall.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Free Cuba Foundation Statement Regarding Paz Sin Fronteras Concert in Cuba
“True peace is not merely the absence of tension, it is the presence of justice” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Colombian singer/songwriter Juanes is organizing a concert in Cuba as part of his Paz Sin Fronteras (Peace Without Borders) concert tour. He has repeatedly said he is performing for the Cuban people, not the government, bringing a message of hope, love, and peace. Yet, he has also said that he will not speak out about Cuba’s poor human rights record, nor meet with members of Cuba’s opposition movement, in order to keep the event from becoming “political.” While the Free Cuba Foundation (FCF) recognizes that Juanes has the right to invite whomever he pleases to sing with him, having both Amaury Perez and Silvio Rodriguez sends a mixed message. Both are staunch supporters of the Cuban Communist government and signed a petition justifying the regime’s imprisonment of 75 nonviolent dissidents and the execution of three young Afro-Cubans who tried to flee to the United States back in the spring of 2003. Although no one denies their artistic talent, poet Ezra Pound and singer Paul Robeson had their reputation tainted for endorsing Hitler and Stalin respectively. Whatever the quality of their art, it is immoral for artists to support injustice.
FCF is not concerned that this concert will grant legitimacy to Cuba’s totalitarian regime, because no unelected dictatorship could ever gain it from a pop concert.
FCF calls for respect for freedom of expression everywhere, and denounces any violence that stifles that freedom. Censorship imposed through violence and intimidation is routine in places such as Cuba. However, it should never be tolerated here in Miami, where many of the victims of this regime reside. That is why we are denouncing the threats made against Juanes. We respect nonviolent protests, but the destruction of Juanes CDs, conjure up images of book burnings in communist and fascist dictatorships. These acts send a false message not only to the rest of the world, but more importantly to Cubans on the island. These acts serve to feed the Cuban government’s propaganda machinery which aims to smear the exile community with the aim of generating divisions between ordinary Cubans living here and on the island.
Our organization believes that all individuals, including Cubans, have the right to take part in the arts and in cultural events, as enshrined in Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
If one is serious about peace then one should speak out against injustice and the absence of freedom. In Cuba, musicians who are independent or critical of the regime are censored, and there are many prisoners of conscience behind bars for exercising their human rights. These are not political issues. These are human rights issues and issues of human dignity. A concert like this could help foster freedom of expression in the arts the same way the late Pope John Paul II made gains in the area of freedom of religion, as he celebrated Mass before thousands of Cubans, and called upon them to not be afraid and to “do all that you can to build a future of ever greater dignity and freedom.”
Therefore FCF’s Message to Juanes is:
If you want to bring a message of peace, reconciliation, and impacting change to Cuba, then including artists that oppose the dictatorship is a logical necessity, and speaking up for human rights and the immediate release of all prisoners of conscienceis essential. Only then will this concert truly live up to its name of “Peace Without Borders”, otherwise it risks being remembered as the “Censored Within Boundaries” concert. This is the concern raised by many Cuban artists both on the island and in exile, who insist the concert live up to its name.
Denounce Death Threats Against Juanes
Statement has been reproduced in part on the following sites:,_segun_organizacion/331908
Grupos del exilio cubano conmemoran hundimiento del remolcador "13 de marzo"
Grupos del exilio cubano conmemoran hundimiento del remolcador "13 de marzo"
13 de julio de 2009
Miami (EE.UU.), 13 jul (EFE).- Varios grupos del exilio cubano denunciaron hoy que se mantiene la impunidad quince años después en el caso del hundimiento del remolcador "13 de marzo", en el que fallecieron 37 personas intentando dejar la isla caribeña rumbo a Estados Unidos.
La diáspora cubana calificó el hecho de "masacre" y acusó al régimen castrista de autorizar a la tripulación de algunos de sus barcos a perpetrar el hecho en el que murieron niños.
Las autoridades cubanas sostienen que se trató de un accidente.
La tragedia ocurrió el 13 de julio de 1994 cuando el remolcador, de propiedad estatal, sustraÃdo por 68 personas que querÃan huir de Cuba, fue embestido y hundido por cuatro barcos del Gobierno cubano, en la bahÃa de La Habana, según testimonios de los sobrevivientes.
"Queremos decirle al mundo que esto fue un crimen contra personas que solo querÃan salir de Cuba para tener libertad. Consideramos que este delito no debe quedar impune", dijo a Efe Julio Menache, co-presidente de la Fundación Cuba Libre (FCF) de la Universidad Internacional de Florida (UFI).
La FCF conmemora el hecho con una vigilia y la proyección de un documental sobre los testimonios de las personas que perdieron a sus familiares en el hundimiento del remolcar.
En el evento estará presente Jorge GarcÃa quien perdió a 14 miembros de su familia, entre ellos a su hijo Joel de 20 años de edad, y a su nieto Juan Mario, de 10 años.
La hija de GarcÃa, MarÃa Victoria GarcÃa Suárez, sobreviviente y madre de Juan Mario, fue la primera en denunciar "la masacre del remolcador" dos dÃas después del suceso.
El Directorio Democrático Cubano, Madres y Mujeres Anti-Represión por CUBA (M.A.R) y Plantados, que integran la Asamblea de la Resistencia, dijeron en un comunicado que se unÃan "al dolor de los familiares, sobrevivientes y de todos los cubanos por las vÃctimas del Remolcador 13 de Marzo".
"Hasta el dÃa de hoy este crimen del régimen de La Habana contra los indefensos pasajeros del Remolcador 13 de Marzo continúa impune", denunciaron.
Los tres grupos efectuarán una reunión en la noche de hoy para recordar a las vÃctimas.
En Canadá, varios cubanos planeaban construir una balsa frente al parlamento federal de Otawa en conmemoración del 15 aniversario de la "masacre" del remolcador "13 de Marzo", por los miles de balseros "muertos y desaparecidos, por el desgarramiento de la familia cubana y también por las fraternales relaciones comerciales que mantiene Canadá con el régimen de La Habana".
También se exigirá que el Gobierno y el Parlamento canadiense habiliten una sesión especial para presentar testimonios del drama cubano, informó Cuba Independiente en su sitio de Internet.
En una resolución de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), emitida en 1996, se exigió al Gobierno cubano extraer del fondo del mar los restos de la embarcación para recobrar los cadáveres que podrÃan estar atrapados en el cuarto de máquinas de la embarcación.
También se pidió a las autoridades de La Habana conducir una pesquisa y castigar a los culpables. EFE
Free Cuba Foundation Statement Remembers Maleconazo 15 Years Later
Official Statement regarding today's events commemorating 'El Maleconazo"
On August 5, 1994, thousands of Cubans took to the streets of Old Havana to deliver a message to Fidel Castro. This message had long been bottled up inside the individual consciousness of the Cuban people for almost 40 years.
Nonviolent theorists write of a "paradox of repression" where the "use of violent repression can contribute to the instability of the regime that sponsors it." On July 13, 1994 the Cuban dictatorship carried out a massacre in which 37 men, women, and children were extrajudicially executed. But unlike on other occasions this time there were survivors, who spoke out and denounced the atrocity. This violent repression was a powerful contributing factor to the instability that led to a social explosion.
The powder-keg that was set off resulted in what we today call, ‘El Maleconazo”. Thousands of Cubans marched down the streets, demanding their "libertad" - freedom. Yet 15 years later, the Cuban people still long for freedom, as hundreds languish in Cuban prisons for merely speaking their mind and protesting a dictatorship that has continually denied the Cuban people their basic human rights.
The Free Cuba Foundation supports the brave efforts of these men, women, and children, who risked their lives to denounce years of Communist repression, as well as the non-violent activists who continue to fight for freedom. We hope that the protests of August 5, 1994 will not die in vain, and that the Cuban people can one day rightfully reclaim their "libertad".
Nonviolent theorists write of a "paradox of repression" where the "use of violent repression can contribute to the instability of the regime that sponsors it." On July 13, 1994 the Cuban dictatorship carried out a massacre in which 37 men, women, and children were extrajudicially executed. But unlike on other occasions this time there were survivors, who spoke out and denounced the atrocity. This violent repression was a powerful contributing factor to the instability that led to a social explosion.
The powder-keg that was set off resulted in what we today call, ‘El Maleconazo”. Thousands of Cubans marched down the streets, demanding their "libertad" - freedom. Yet 15 years later, the Cuban people still long for freedom, as hundreds languish in Cuban prisons for merely speaking their mind and protesting a dictatorship that has continually denied the Cuban people their basic human rights.
The Free Cuba Foundation supports the brave efforts of these men, women, and children, who risked their lives to denounce years of Communist repression, as well as the non-violent activists who continue to fight for freedom. We hope that the protests of August 5, 1994 will not die in vain, and that the Cuban people can one day rightfully reclaim their "libertad".
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
We honor the victims, many of them students, who sacrificed their lives for freedom, democracy, and reform twenty years ago in China.
We join with our Cuban brothers and sisters who one year ago paid tribute to the victims of the Tiananmen Square massacre at the monument to the Chinese fallen in the Cuban War of Independence in Havana on June 4, 2008.
Like our counterparts on the island as students we feel a connection to those Chinese students who exercised their fundamental rights to associate and speak freely in defense of democracy and human rights. Many paid the highest price for freedom with their very lives.
On June 3-4, 1989 the Chinese military extrajudicially executed thousands of unarmed students and workers violently crushing the non-violent student initiated mass demonstrations. We will never forget this heinous crime.
Twenty years later China remains one of the most repressive regimes on the planet. Christians, Tibetans, Falun Gong practitioners and people of other faiths are systematically persecuted. Freedom of expression and association are systematically denied and censorship is ever present.
We repudiate the brutal actions of the government of communist China and call on the civilized world to hold accountable all those responsible for this atrocity, that a full investigation with the participation of international human rights organizations be carried out, and that justice be provided for the Chinese people slaughtered twenty years ago inside and outside of Tiananmen Square and their families.
We call on the democracies of the world to stand with the Chinese people in their desire to be free and have their human rights respected recognizing that the advancement of Chinese relations with the democracies of the world depends on the advancement of human rights in China.
Finally, we call for the immediate release of all Chinese prisoners of conscience and in particular those still imprisoned for taking part in the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstrations that remain imprisoned twenty years later such as Li Yujun, Zhu Gengsheng, Shi Xuezhi, Li Zhixin, Chang Jingqiang, Wu Chunqi, Yang Pu and Miao Deshun.
Miami, Florida June 3, 2009
1. Julio A. Menache, Free Cuba Foundation, Florida International University 2011
2. Juan Carlos Sanchez, Free Cuba Foundation, Florida International University 2011
3. Pedro Ross, Free Cuba Foundation, Florida International University 2009
4. Susana Navajas, Free Cuba Foundation, Florida International University 2010
5. Jennifer Grau, Free Cuba Foundation, Florida International University 2009
6. John Suarez, Free Cuba Foundation, Florida International University 1996
7. Neri Ann Martinez, Free Cuba Foundation, Florida International University 2005
8. Rebecca Martinez-Arguello, Free Cuba Foundation, Florida International University 2007
9. Isaac Martinez, Free Cuba Foundation, Florida International University 2006
10. CAUSA: Students United for a Free Cuba, University of Miami
11. Silvia Sarasua, Miami Friends of Tibet
12. Jian Hu, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
13. Sherwood Liu, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
14. Linda Li, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
15. Nancy Xia, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
16. Victoria Wu, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
17. Yanling Zhang , Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
18. Edie Bassen, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
19. Regina Finnegan, PhD, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
20. Marcus Green, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
21. Kay Harmon, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
22. Diana Crouch, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
23. Kent McKinney, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
24. David W. Lee, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
25. Paulene Jasurek, Falun Dafa Practitioners Association of Florida
26. Sebastian Arcos, Cuban Committee for Human Rights, Florida
International University 99, 08
27. Prof. Antonio Romero Piriz Red Uruguaya por Democracia para Cuba
28. Aramis L. Perez, Young Cubans in Action
29. Belkis Landa-Gonzalez, Ed.D, OTR/L Miami, FL
30. Tina Giamei-Valera Florida Tech University
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